Tania del Carmen Photography

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Alicia Diaz, Portraiture

Alicia Diaz and I probably should have crossed paths earlier in life. We both lived in NYC around the same time and had several friends in common. But as fate has it sometimes we didn’t get to meet in person until I moved to Richmond, VA. Alicia and her beautiful family had moved a few years before to teach dance at the University of Richmond. We met in Richmond fashion at the cafe of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

After that what has ensued is many years of friendship and wonderful creative collaborations. Alicia has been a support all these years in Richmond, and I cannot imagine how I got through life before her.

I am always in deep admiration of her generous spirit, talent and commitment to give Puerto Rican and minority voices a space in the performing stage.

I can’t thank her enough for all the wonderful work she has invited me to be part of. Here are just a few:




I love you, soul sister!